Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Zum Schmunzeln - Teil 4

Gesehen und geklaut... Aber passt zum Thema.

Auf Facebook hab ich folgenden Eintrag gesehen. Ist einfach zu amüsant um den euch vorzuenthalten. Ich kann dazu nur so viel sagen: zum Glück (!) unterrichte ich Erwachsene, die doch ein gewisses Allgemeinwissen besitzen :-)

German-Lesson. After a presentation about myself and Switzerland:

Me: Where do I come from?
Student A: America?
Me: Do they speak German in America? *hinthinthint*
Class: Oh.
Me: So?
Class: Mmmmh...
Student B: oh, I know, Germany!
Me: Well, good guess but no. It's a different German-speaking country. It is very small and it starts with S. *hinthinthint*
Student C: Sweden!
Me: NO! Sweden is not small and people don't speak German in Sweden.
Student A: Poland?
Me: NO! They don't speak German in Poland. And Poland does not start with an S
class: nothing
Me: It starts with an S and ends with -land. It's small and people speak German there.
class: uhm...
Me: Have you ever heard about Switzerland?
class: oh, yes, of course!
Me: Okay, what do you know about Switzerland?
Student A: They speak German and it is a small country.
Me: well, yes. Do you know where in Europe Switzerland is?
Student B: I know. It's in Germany!
Me: pffffff.

----- topic change -----

Me: In der Schweiz gibt es viele Berge. What does this sentence mean in English?
Student A: You eat a lot of burgers in Switzerland.
Me: Never mind.

----- topic change ------

Me: So, now you know about traditional meals in Switzerland. What typical food can you recommend me to eat in England?
Student C: Oh, you really need to go to McDonald. That's the best English food.
Me: I think it's break time. At least for me.

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