Gesehen und geklaut... Aber passt zum Thema.
Auf Facebook hab ich folgenden Eintrag gesehen. Ist einfach zu amüsant um den euch vorzuenthalten. Ich kann dazu nur so viel sagen: zum Glück (!) unterrichte ich Erwachsene, die doch ein gewisses Allgemeinwissen besitzen :-)
German-Lesson. After a presentation about myself and Switzerland:
Me: Where do I come from?
Student A: America?
Me: Do they speak German in America? *hinthinthint*
Class: Oh.
Me: So?
Class: Mmmmh...
Student B: oh, I know, Germany!
Me: Well, good guess but no. It's a different German-speaking country. It is very small and it starts with S. *hinthinthint*
Student C: Sweden!
Me: NO! Sweden is not small and people don't speak German in Sweden.
Student A: Poland?
Me: NO! They don't speak German in Poland. And Poland does not start with an S
class: nothing
Me: It starts with an S and ends with -land. It's small and people speak German there.
class: uhm...
Me: Have you ever heard about Switzerland?
class: oh, yes, of course!
Me: Okay, what do you know about Switzerland?
Student A: They speak German and it is a small country.
Me: well, yes. Do you know where in Europe Switzerland is?
Student B: I know. It's in Germany!
Me: pffffff.
----- topic change -----
Me: In der Schweiz gibt es viele Berge. What does this sentence mean in English?
Student A: You eat a lot of burgers in Switzerland.
Me: Never mind.
----- topic change ------
Me: So, now you know about traditional meals in Switzerland. What typical food can you recommend me to eat in England?
Student C: Oh, you really need to go to McDonald. That's the best English food.
Me: I think it's break time. At least for me.
Von Uster via Brighton und North Devon nach London. Während knapp 1.5 Jahren arbeitete ich dann in London als Lehrerin für Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF). Seit Juni 2012 bin ich zurück in der Schweiz und stelle mich neuen Herausforderungen: ein Masterstudiengang in Informationswissenschaft in Chur (an der HTW). Seit 1.1.14 bin ich Licensing Manager beim Konsortium der Schweizer Hochschulbibliotheken.
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